-3 to 5 years old-
In today’s world, having a head start in any language is a huge benefit. Parents realize the effectiveness of a child learning a language is improved at an early age. Because young children have good comprehension, listening and copying skills, the new language becomes easily accessible.
Through songs, games and stories, children’s progression becomes natural and simple. With the use of puppets, toys and visual aids, teachers make the whole experience more fun for the children and also enable less-confident children to express themselves more easily. Simple, fun worksheets are also used, giving the child the opportunity to take something home, to share and continue the learning process with the family.
Not being part of “better known” national companies ensures the teaching style is fresh and materials used are not simply copied from a “licensing pack” but unique and individually crafted to suit the child’s learning progression.
– 5 to 11 years old-
In the primary school age group, our method is to base the language learning on real communication situations.
Because the children learn orally first, the use of songs and role plays is very important to enable the children to use the language for their own purposes, and gives them a good foundation for future language learning. In each lesson, the children are involved, interacting, and playing with the tutor in a calm, fun, atmosphere.